The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114441   Message #2617632
Posted By: eddie1
24-Apr-09 - 06:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Justice for the Gurkhas/Bravest of the Brave
Subject: RE: BS: Justice for the Gurkhas/Bravest of the Brave
The British Government is at it again

BBC News Website

It seems they are trying to wriggle out of a High Court ruling and now restrict the right to UK residency to only certain Gurkhas -

"We will be more generous where there has been valour, long service and where there are medical conditions as well.

"It has never been a proposition that all Gurkhas pre-1997 should be given grants or settlements. Along with their spouses and close dependants, that would be around 100,000 people."

Where on Earth does he get his figure of 100,000?

"In September, Mr Justice Blake ruled that instructions given by the Home Office to immigration officials were unlawful and needed urgent revision.

He said the Gurkhas' long service, conspicuous acts of bravery and loyalty to the Crown all pointed to a "moral debt of honour" and gratitude felt by British people."

The government promised to revise its guidance, but in March 2009, the Gurkhas returned to the High Court to try and enforce the ruling."

It would seem that the Government is trying to replace one set of unlawful instructions with another set, equally unlawful and discriminatory.

I have just talked with a retired Gurkha officer (English) and we both feel quite ashamed to be British.
