The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120396   Message #2618353
Posted By: JohnInKansas
25-Apr-09 - 02:42 AM
Thread Name: flat symbol in html?
Subject: RE: flat symbol in html?
& indicates the beginning of a code

# means that the code is a number

X means that the number is in Hexadecimal format

266D is the hexadecimal number for the character

; indicates the end of the code.

♭ prints the character      ♭

You can omit the X and use the decimal value for a character, for low numbers; but the html parsers lose track if the numbers get very big, and Hex is the standard for Unicode chars.

266D breaks down as:

      D = 13
      6*16 = 96
      6*162 = 1536
      2*163 = 8192

So 266D Hex = 13+96+1536+8192 = 9837

Theoretically, some browsers might parse ♭ as ♭ but it's less reliable. (Actually nearly all browsers will handle Hex or decimal codes about equally well, but it's "impure" to use decimal ones?).
