The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118665   Message #2619299
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
26-Apr-09 - 11:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening, 2009
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening, 2009
I have some great garlic here, but it is kind of all over the place. I once had a vegetable garden in the back near where the clothes line is now. I stopped gardening there when the dogs arrived, but every year I have garlic pop up on both ends of the old bed, and I simply mow around it until it's time for harvest. There is also some back in a couple of locations where I had compost piles. Must have been on the edges and not composted. A neighbor of mine has a boxwood hedge that for some reason has a healthy crop of garlic under it. I think she planted some years ago and just because she put in a hedge later, that's no reason for the garlic to quit!

I dug up my first batch of it wild in the woods across the road, that's what went in the various beds around the yard. Everyone around here has the same type, I think, that they found wild. Maybe it was originally someone's crop, but we all acquired it in the woods. :)

Eggplant, more tomatoes, green bell peppers, bush beans, basil, and a few annual flowers went in today. As I get farther along in my new bed I'll put down a soaker hose, loops and zigzags to catch everything, and once it is in place I'll put some onions and carrots along on either side of the hose in bare areas. The new stuff will take a while to get established, but I had oregano, onions, and chard winter beautifully, so I've been eating out of this kitchen door garden steadily since I planted it last spring. Oh--there is also a huge rosemary shrub. Wonderful seasoning! The new bed is on the other side of the driveway. Both are away from the dog traffic.

I still can't quantify for anyone who might ask if it is cheaper to plant my own garden. I suspect not. But the pleasure factor from eating out of the yard just goes way beyond price, doesn't it?