The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23526   Message #261941
Posted By: Marion
20-Jul-00 - 11:27 PM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day, July 20,00
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day, July 20,00
Banjo Bonnie wrote: "The only thing that is different this time is I don't think my banjo plans to walk out on me."

Am I the only one with an irrational fear that one of my instruments will walk out on me?

My guitar used to be with Randy, but it left him; it used to be with Will, but it left him; and it used to be with Mercy, but it left her. I don't know what its history before Randy was. But it seems possible that the universe might take this guitar out of my hands too.

Maybe I care more about this guitar than Randy, Will, or Mercy did, and can keep it with me as an act of my own will. But maybe I've been reading Tolkien too much, or watching "The Red Violin" too much, but I have this sense that instruments have their own lives and destinies to fulfill, and just might find their way into other hands despite my will.

Generally I enjoy letting other people play my instruments, especially if they're good players or if they have nice things to say about my instruments, but if my guitar spends too much time in another person's hands, I get antsy and want it back. I think this is basically a primitive fear that my guitar will leave me and go to be with the other person.
