The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120386   Message #2619990
Posted By: JohnInKansas
27-Apr-09 - 06:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: What do you collect?
Subject: RE: BS: What do you collect?
Ornamental dust-bunnies. I keep them under the bed.

We have noted that there is a certain critical mass at which inbreeding and hybridizing of dust-bunnies can occur. Once this happens, they refuse to remain under the bed and may become "socially undesirable" due to vicious attacks on people, pets, and other less aggressive detritus.

The highly in-bred versions tend also to be less "ornamental" than "obstructive."

Be warned.

(We have offered samples of the most degenerate ones to both the local veterinary school and to the police forensics lab for study; but both declined our offer on grounds that they lacked facilties for safe handling of anything that aggressive.)
