The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23548   Message #262121
Posted By: GUEST,Scott Richards
21-Jul-00 - 10:45 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Hansen's Livestock Grub
My grandfather used to sing a song to us when we were kids. He's dead now, and nobody in the family knows if he made the song up himself or if it is a known folk song. The tune is familiar. Anyone ever heard these lyrics before?


Come gather 'round and listen, a story I will tell
About the boarding house around the Hansen Corral
Where they made cast-iron biscuits as hard as any slug.
You would have died if you had tried Hansen's Livestock Grub

The pudding had the jim-jams, the pies were in disguise
The beans came to the table with a hundred thousand flies
The meat was strong and jubrous, it danced about the floor
Till the spuds got on their dignity and walked right out the door

One day a stranger came to town, for Salt Lake he was bent
We offered him a meal to share with neighborly intent
We stuffed him and we gorged him, up to his very plug
With acrobatic paralatic Hansen's Livestock Grub


On a stretcher he arrived in town, so I've heard it said
His sympathetic friends gathered 'round his dying bed
The doctor came to see him, and staring at his mug,
Said, "Boys, it wasn't suicide, 'twas Hansen's Livestock Grub!"


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