The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108718   Message #2621503
Posted By: katlaughing
29-Apr-09 - 06:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Seen any good movies lately?
Subject: RE: BS: Seen any good movies lately?
We tried Doubt and turned it off in disgust. It really just didn't work for me and Rog, who grew up in parochial school, etc. really had vile things to say about it. I was kind of shocked because I have always likes every role I've ever seen Meryl Streep in, until this one. This afternoon, I just tried to watch her in another, Dancing at Lughnasa (sp), and turned it off, too. Her Irish accent was weak and artificial, esp. compared to the other actors and the story seemed a bit unr/idealistic. Maybe I didn't watch it long enough, but I did not like her character nor the way she played her. It felt to me as though she'd been stereotyped with two very similar characters which, imo, just weren't right for her. I hope she gets into some more roles worthy of her abilities.