The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23551   Message #262210
Posted By: Frankham
21-Jul-00 - 12:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Does the musician's character matter?
Subject: RE: BS: Does the musician's character matter?
Ultunately I do think it matters. We are all human beings and make mistakes that follow us sometime.

Lots of people who are "stars" are often misinterpreted and made ugly by the press. But they are just human beings subjected to everything we all are.

Some of these "stars" are paranoid and maybe there is a reason when you think of John Lennon.

It's a rough life. It's a crazy life. It's very hard work to be a pro musician/performer singer, actor or whatever. It's underpaid for the work you put in but you do it because you love it. There is always that period of beating your head against the stone wall before you become accepted by the public. This can make some crazy. It's like setting your guts out on stage and offering the audience to stomp on 'em.

When they stop stomping, you become accepted.

Musicians et. al. are no more mean or ornery than anyone else. And that might be a miracle in itself considering the gauntlet they have to run.
