The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4741   Message #26237
Posted By: Pete M
21-Apr-98 - 10:38 PM
Thread Name: American Cultural oddities
Subject: RE: American Cultural oddities
Actually Joe, I wasn't getting at Americans per se, although....

Really, I know America has as much, if not more, diversity of culture, dialect and idiom as Britain. What I think most would depracate is the peddling of, by in particular TV, a bland, guaranteed not to offend anyone delivery (anyone being defined here as a member of the advertisers target audience), as representative of America. It is opposed as "cultural imperialism" in Australasia, but I am sure it is just as insulting to any American who actually cares about their own culture, and who I am sure do not want the world to think America is populated by the people represented on popular TV.

Of course, since we are getting down to lowest common denominators, we all have to thank an Australian for dragging the press of the free world out of the gutter into the sewers!

Pete M