The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2623785
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-May-09 - 01:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
GfS - "Funny, how the 'Peace-Love' generation, grew up to be so self centered, and how our children literally suffered from lack of attention, and to fend for themselves, and learn from the streets."

Yeah. Well, it was a confusing time. All the old ideas were falling and the young people were grasping for new ones...and trying to be "cool" at the same time.

I took a good look at the whole thing of raising children, doing the nuclear family thing, building the "nest", and decided that:

1. I'd be no good at it.
2. I didn't want to do it.
3. I wasn't going to do it.

And I held to that. I have produced no progeny nor have I ever married, but I've certainly been in love a few times.

I don't know about Don, but I got brought up by atheistic parents. We NEVER went to church unless it was somebody else's wedding or something like that. Kind of handy, because it left me free to investigate any and all religions without necessarily being tied to any one of them. And I did so. A lot of good stuff there behind all the outward structures and rules and hierarchical stuff which I can do without.


As for homosexuality, I had no significant encounters with that at all as a young person, but I have known a few gay people here and there amongst various friends and associates in my 30's and since.   I can't say for sure, but I have the impression that their romantic/emotional/sexual lives are even more complex on average than with heterosexuals. (well, in the case of the men anyway...the lesbians' lives seem a lot more stable to me) The gay men I've known (a handful of them) have all been extremely articulate, wonderful talkers!, witty, and usually involved in the arts in some way. They were all highly intelligent people, but with damnably complicated personal lives from what I've seen.

Those, of course, are mere generalities I'm stating...and someone here may object to that. Okay. All I can say is, that's what I've observed amongst a few specific people I've known. I have no idea if it is any kind of rule of averages, it's just what I've personally observed, that's all.