The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120285   Message #2623860
Posted By: Jane of 'ull
04-May-09 - 08:04 AM
Thread Name: What should Susan Boyle sing next?
Subject: RE: What should Susan Boyle sing next?
This Susan Boyle thing has got completely out of hand....ok so she has a good voice, but it's not like she came on the show sounding like the next Maria Callas or something. Go to any Northern working mens club any night of the week and you'll find chubby plainish lasses providing the entertainment who don't fit the showbiz looks mould, but who have a cracking voice. Nothing new there!

I don't read the tabloids but I noticed one of their headlines screaming out the other day how Susan was 'close to the edge' ie. a nervous breakdown? I do hope this isnt true, I wish the woman all the best but please people, get a perspective on it.