The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2624238
Posted By: Don Firth
04-May-09 - 07:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
pomp•ous :   adjective
1 : excessively elevated or ornate (pompous rhetoric)
2 : having or exhibiting self-importance : arrogant (a pompous politician).

In addition, Little Hawk, our esteemed self-appointed counselor, GfS, apparently believes in the duck analogy, because by counting on toes and fingers, he/she came up with the notion that my son was conceived in the 1960s (as a matter of fact, I believe I told him/her so) and from that, assumed that we were typical members of the "Peace-Love" generation, characterized (according to GfS) by a complete lack of a sense of resposnsibility, and therefore, my son grew up living on the streets and was raised by city pigeons, like an urban version of Mowgli.

If GfS had watched a wider variety of soap operas, he/she might be less addicted to simplistic stereotypes.

By the way, while reading GfS's post of 04 May 09 - 03:12 a.m., although I agree with some what he/she says (regulatory agencies need a good, vigorous "dope-slap" about five times a day), I do get a very strong whiff of "conspiracy theorist."

Scientific findings that he/she doesn't like are because "all the scientist have been bought off!" Next stop, Flat Earth!!

Don Firth

P. S. And Ake, I have no wish or need to "silence" you. The nature of your pronouncements says all that needs to be said. They refute themselves.