The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35080 Message #2624779
Posted By: GUEST,Steve Amor
05-May-09 - 02:00 PM
Thread Name: 'Singing Together' - BBC Song Booklets
Subject: RE: 'Singing Together' 1958 UK
I participated in "Singing Together" from Autumn 1960 to Summer 1962. Amongst the songs we sang were "Amsterdam Maid" (presumably with watered-down lyrics), "Oh I Love The Maiden Fair" and "Old Zip Coon",
One that I can now find no trace of had lyrics that began "Now the green leaves go, tomorrow I must go, today I shelter here so none may know". It appeared to be about a father on the run from the authorities saying goodbye to his children for the last time. I wonder if it dates back to the English Civil War, or the religious persecutions of the previous century -- or perhaps, more recently, from Ireland.
I don't remember the title -- is anyone familiar with this song?