The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120613   Message #2624877
Posted By: irishenglish
05-May-09 - 04:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Growing my beard back
Subject: BS: Growing my beard back
Ok gents, need a little advice here. After 18 years or so (can't remember when I grew it) this morning I shaved my beard and moustache completely off. Now most of the time I kept it close trimmed and not scraggly, and I did it so my wife could see what I looked like, even if for just once, without it. Its not that its so shocking, and I've gotten a few compliments on it actually.....but I want it back! Now I know speed of growth can vary, but let me just ask if anyone has a ballpark for when they think it will be back to normal. Also, do you suspect that it will come in exactly the same as my original? Obviously I see men around that seem to grow them back in 10 days or so, but its funny, until it happens to you, you don't really pay attention if you are the type of guy that keeps it on permanantly!