The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120603   Message #2624973
Posted By: bubblyrat
05-May-09 - 06:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Least wanted in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: Least wanted in the UK
Modern Britain is also filling up with people who are not British,don't want to become British,and in some cases even hate the British.Until this unwelcome "status quo" changes,we will NEVER be free from suspicion,fear,and surveillance----too many people have abused our hospitality,and now our attempts at tolerance,understanding,and a desire to help and protect the less-fortunate are reaping the sad rewards of cultural mistrust and religious disharmony ; in the worst case scenario,as we have seen,even concerted and co-ordinated acts of terrorism carried out against an innocent and un-armed,defenceless populace.Enough is enough,I say---Why oh Why can't these trouble-making,disturbed,religious zealots take their culture-crushing,xenophobic ideologies someplace else ?? I want my England back !!