The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120603   Message #2625013
Posted By: GUEST
05-May-09 - 07:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Least wanted in the UK
Subject: RE: BS: Least wanted in the UK
Which England is that? The pre afro cariabean 1950's? The pre asian 1960's? The pre european 1970's ? or some faded picture of tea on the lawn England pre WW2? Or the England of pre WW1? Or is it the England before we (English/British) did the same to Africa, America,Austrailia, New Zealand, India, Ceylon, Iraq to name a few but non exhaustive list where we have imposed fear, our will and christian ethic? Or earlier the Crusades? The 100 years war? The American war of independance?

There hasn't been an England ever as far as I can see that we have not been involved in some invasion, war or minor skirmish.

"Why oh Why can't these trouble-making,disturbed,religious zealots take their culture-crushing,xenophobic ideologies someplace else ?? I want my (substitute your country here folks) back !!" I am sure the Celts said this, the Saxons and Vikings said this, I bet Hereward the Wake said it also about the Normans.

This level of surveillance need never have happened and won't solve anything. I sugest if you want something back try fighting for our freedom ! But of course then you would be labelled a terrorist.( By the way I mean peaceful protest)

I remember my father saying to me when I asked him why he fought in WW2 when he didn't need to (protected employment), that he fought for the freedom of people to be what they choose and against a state rule that segregated and crushed people, that imposed it's will on others by fear. He died, ashamed of what England/Britain had started to become.