The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #117493   Message #2625232
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
06-May-09 - 03:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel Moves in.
Subject: RE: BS: Israel Moves in.
"As I said, it doesn't matter what the charter says if they agree to abide by the will of the Palestinian people if they vote for a two state solution. And they said they would. That's the only thing that really matters. "

Oh, for heaven's sake!

So, let's go down this road then, shall we.

If the British Government brought out a charter saying that they'd not rest until all Muslims had been obliterated from the face of the earth, you're saying it wouldn't matter? It wouldn't matter, so long as they abided by what most of the British people wanted?

There would be an international outcry, as well you know.

Think on this.

A new Hamas Charter stating that their one aim is to find peace with Israel, to live with them as neighbours, to grow with them, to see each other as equals, to lay down the weapons, to breed peace where once they bred hate, and to apologise with every breath in their body for the hate and racism they've poured out over the Israeli people, would go an awful long way to bringing peace in the Middle East forever, particularly if that charter was taken up by others.

If you raise your children on hatred, then all you will get is a hateful world. There are many in the Islamic world who want that to happen, who encourage it to happen. There is much wrong with the Islamic world, the way they treat women, the way they treat each other, the way they regard non-islamic countries....and the sooner the rest of the world has the courage to stand up and say it out loud, rather than pussyfooting around in an effort to avoid being called racist, when it's the other way round entirely, the better the whole world will become.

Many Israelis are speaking out against what's happening, I would hope that many Palestinians are too. It's all complete madness, but when you have country run by people like Hamas who have an outlook like they do, ain't gonna have peace, that's for sure.

Think on this...

Let's pretend I live next to door to you. On my bedroom wall I have the words, "I am going to obliterate you from this earth and I'll not rest until I've done it!" and you know those words are there because I've shown them to everyone, put it in the paper, been on TV, the whole would you feel?

Would you feel happy about that, purely because if anyone asked me, I'd say "Oh yes, but those are only WORDS. Heyyyyy...I'm really a fun-loving, all round, peace loving, humanity loving kind of gal, who's willing to comply with whatever anyone wants!"...and then, I go back to my homemade charter and write a few more words of hatred and annihilation about you...tapping on your wall each night, just to remind you that I was there..


WORDS don't matter???????

Of COURSE they ********* do!!

Those words are read, known about, held close to the hearts of many Palestinians...and they're **abided** by as well.

Get real!!

Until the snivelling cowardly b*stards who run Hamas decide to re-write their charter, then nothing will change!

There is a huge amount that's wrong in the Islamic world, a huge amount. There is also much wrong in the non-islamic world too. ALL of it needs to be discussed openly.