The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27509   Message #2625873
Posted By: Jim Dixon
06-May-09 - 07:32 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Lord Marlborough / Duke of Marlborough
Subject: Lyr Add: THE DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH (from Broadwood)
Here's how the song appears in English Traditional Songs and Carols by Lucy Etheldred Broadwood (London: Boosey & Co., 1908), where it appears with musical notation:


1. You generals all and champions bold that take delight in the field,
That knock down palaces and castle walls, but now to Death must yield:
Oh! I must go and face the foe, with sword and shield.
I always fought with merry men, but now to Death must yield.

2. I am an Englishman by my birth and Marlborough is my name.
In Devonshire I drew my breath, that place of noted fame.
I was beloved by all my men, Kings and Princes likewise.
Though many towns I often took, I did the world surprise.

3. King Charles the Second I did serve, to face our foes in France,
And at the battle of Ramilies, we boldly did advance.
The sun was down, the earth did shine, so loudly I did cry:
"Fight on, my brave boys, for England! We'll conquer, or we'll nobly die!"

4. Now we have gained the victory and bravely kept the field.
We've took a number of prisoners, and forcèd them to yield.
That very day my horse was shot, all by a musket ball.
As I was mounting up again, my aide-de-camp did fall.

5. Now on a bed of sickness laid, I am resigned to die,
Yet generals all, and champions bold, stand true as well as I.
Take no bribes! stand true to your colours! And fight with courage bold!
I have led my men through fire and smoke, but ne'er was bribed with gold.

[Sung by Mr H. Burstow, 1893.]