The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4782   Message #26266
Posted By: Largo
22-Apr-98 - 06:37 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Kilkenny's the Best of Them All
Subject: RE: Need lyrics: Kilkenny's the best of'em all
Hi Martin!

Now step by step.

>Recordings I've heard it on "101 Irish songs" popurri (poppurri ?) collection disc. It was sung by Tom (?!) Donnovan (??!!) or Don (?!) Donnaghue (??!!) or Dunkin (?!) Doughnuts (??!!) :-) To be frankly I can't remember now and can't check it up today, maybe tommorow

>Age Mine? 25 :-) Ah, song's .. well it sounds rather fresh, of course not like Mynthon, but close... eh-h.. to be serious - ni puta idea - ain't got no any idea. But as I can remember, a "Battle of smth (?)" or "Great horours of smth (?)" are mentioned in the song. Maybe it could help

>Where heard? 3d degree? At home, Marti, at my sweet home.... :-)

>..sports? Yeah, why not? There was a time when cutting heads off was jis' kinda sports, so ... Let it be sports...

MY THOUGHTS: The main problem is that I didn't heard the whole song, I've heard just a part of it (I 've wrote - it was poppurri disc) so the artist murmured about 4 strings and then the another song (piece of song) began.

Anyway, thank you for your Cooperation.

Cheers, Largo