The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #86719   Message #2627994
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
09-May-09 - 08:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: G rated swear words
Subject: RE: BS: G rated swear words
I can say a number of fairly nasty words but when things get really bad, I resort to
Flying fishcakes! or I don't give a flying fishcake what you cinnamon bun!
Pasta fazool!

Hak mir nicht kahn chine ik (phonetic) means don't chop me a tea kettle or some such or BS!

My dad's fav was "sacre nom de la vache" - with great vigour.

My son resorted to just plain nonsense syllables said with great venom. It really is the mode of expression, the feeling behind the words that helps us express the feelings of annoyance. Any growl or snarl would do.

Teacher at the alt HS gave me full points the other day, "I really like the way you transitioned that!" SHHEEESH!