The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2628155
Posted By: akenaton
10-May-09 - 05:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Don Firth obviously has a "ghost writer" among his weasel minions, his letter of "congratulations" to GfS and myself, although admitting that he has run out of credible responses, is padded out with lies and crass bad tempered insults, which appear a little beyond Don's satirical abilities.

Firstly ....for the umpteenth time,I do not hate homosexuals. Is there no one on the pro homosexual "marriage" side who can carry on an objective discussion? Why does "hate" have to brought into the discussion other than to smear ones opponent?

In answer to Don T's point, I believe homosexuality is a combination of learned behaviour and psychiatric imbalance. It also has been shown to be an extremely dangerous lifestyle....the aids figures clearly show that, but are routinely denied by the pro homosexual "marriage" lobby
This denial has ensured that no proper independent medical study of homosexuality and AIDS has yet been carried out and this state of affairs is neither in the interests of homosexuals nor society at large. The agenda is "normalisation" of homosexual practice....the "rights" to foster children or have their union blessed by the church are huge milestones on the road to normalisation and very soon those "rights" will be used to block any move towards a much needed medical study.
Basically that is why I think the "Homosexual rights" issue affects everyone not just those in a traditional marriage.

I do agree with Little Hawk when he decribes how I feel about traditional marriage....Personally I dont care too much about any sort of marriage other than from the legal perspective, but I know hundreds of ordinary couples who believe that traditional marriage is a contract between a man and a woman, blessed by god, to spend their lives together and bring up their children as good citizens.
They feel they are being used as pawns in a cynical political charade.

Most of the Pro homosexual marriage folks are not "bad people", buthave just been taken in by modern "liberalisation", which is of course the very antithesis of what a real liberal stands for...Ake