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Thread #115854   Message #2628267
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
10-May-09 - 09:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Akenaton: "Most of the Pro homosexual marriage folks are not "bad people", but have just been taken in by modern "liberalisation", which is of course the very antithesis of what a real liberal stands for...Ake

So very well said!!!

The whole same sex marriage push, is not about being sympathetic towards homosexuals, and their synthetic, over dramatized plight! It has far more to do with non-thinking 'sympathizers' trying too hard to be 'tragically hip', and using the issue, for self aggrandizement, by 'jumping on the bandwagon', to weaken, a society based on the(at least at one time) Constitution, by parsing it, in an attempt to show it being less relevant. While attempting to mock the Constitution, religions, Civil Rights, traditions which our society was based on, they only mock themselves. When it is pointed out to them, that the basis on which the foundation of their cause is based on, is clearly flawed, and erroneous, then come the charges of 'hatred', and the misuse of the term 'bigots', come spewing forth...and that is far more from frustration. Instead of being reasoned with, accurately, they fear facing certain embarrassment, which is, of course, the direct opposite, of their desired goal of being lauded, and noted for being on the 'right side' of being 'hip'. Others, who have posted on here, might have personal reasons, because homosexuality has personally touched them, either directly, or through a family member, and in accepting it, they have had to try to legitimize that jump.
Whether or not, one actually has empathy towards homosexuality or not, some just like the trend of shaking the pillars of our present society, completely oblivious that when the pillars finally go, the temple will fall with crushing force on them, and everyone else. This practice is being carried out quite well, in our nation's capitals (U.S. and U.K.), and is merely the latest trend d'jour...and possibly a fatal one at that.
Now, if what I just posted, was only an opinion(to some), then they are not thinking this, along with other trends, through very deeply...and hence their protestations are equally as shallow.
Usually, the deeper the game, the shallower the motive!
Folks, this nation and founding principles are under a severe attack, by many issues, using whatever cause and arguments to support that attack. The family is under attack. The fabric of our culture, structure, politics and governmental system is under attack. This issue of homosexual marriage, is only one front. As states approve same sex marriage, is only the indicator of how popular the trend, and notion are being received.
Virtually anyone can live with anyone else, doing anything they want, under the present system. This is only being used as a political ploy, and promoted by politicians who don't give a rat's ass, about the quality, nor integrity of the system which they were elected to represent....and that, my friends, is the plain, honest, and simple truth.