The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120741   Message #2628841
Posted By: Richard Bridge
11-May-09 - 06:11 AM
Thread Name: Can Blue Men sing the Whites, BBC4 10May
Subject: RE: Can Blue Men sing the Whites, BBC4 10May
My late wife was quite friendly with Jo-Ann Kelly (who was as you say superb - I saw her in Nottingham and later in Dartford, where I recorded a bootleg (well, with her permission) cassette tape of reasonable quality (it was done on a TEAC) that alas I have since lost). I think there are virtually no recordings of here. There was that LP with Tony McPhee, called "Same thing on our minds".   I think I still have that. She did indeed have an almost indistinguishably authentic sound, and was a mean guitarist too. At first sight you would NEVER have guesses what she was going to sound like.

I also used to have a bootleg of Duster Bennett, recorded at Nottingham University, but I've lost that too!.