The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2629590
Posted By: Little Hawk
12-May-09 - 01:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
No, Don, I am not waffling. I am dealing with EACH thing that comes up with on its own merits, regardless. Only people who think they must always represent one and only one partisan viewpoint in a generalized political discussion will insist on backing every single assertion that is made ON one and only one side of that discussion...and rejecting all those made on the other side as a matter of course.

I am not a "liberal", and am not obliged to parrot all liberal positions, though there are many liberal positions I agree with.

I am not a "conservative" and am not obliged to parrot all conservative positions, though there are a fair number of conservative positions I may agree with.

I am a free being and a free thinker deals with each matter strictly on its own merits.

Both you AND GfS have said many things in this discussion that I find myself in agreement with, and some that I don't agree with. I am under no obligation to exclusively back either one of you at the expense of the other. I do not take sides in that fashion.

I deal with each single statement that comes up on its own merits.

I find it fascinating how both "liberals" and "conservatives" are so often guilty of the same kind of bloody-minded unfairness and prejudice towards one another...yet they cannot see it in themselves.

That's because they have fallen into a partisan ("we're always right and they're always wrong") mindset. It's something to remain alert against, and it's a good reason to avoid being partisan altogether if one possibly can.

And I'm not just talking about political parties when I say: partisan. I'm talking about attitudes shared commonly by various groups of people who have strong opinions of any kind. They form a sort of "club" of people who think alike. Everyone in the club parrots the favored line.

I don't wish to belong to any of those clubs...

This does not mean I'm a moral relativist, as you put it. It means I think independently for myself, regardless of the prevailing styles and preferences of my peer group.