The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120769   Message #2629791
Posted By: Marje
12-May-09 - 08:47 AM
Thread Name: Same songs every time?
Subject: RE: Same songs every time?
I try to avoid repeating a song to the same or a similar audience, even over a period of months, except for the occasional seasonal song that just needs to be done on a particular day. I think it's lazy and inconsiderate to keep on doing the same songs every week/month to the same people.

What I find most tiresome (like the example given by Jermaine above)is "humorous" songs repeated too frequently. Just because people laughed the first time, it doesn't follow that they'll find it as funny a couple of weeks later, and the week after that .... I do have a few funny songs but I'm very sparing with them, and air them only occasionally.

If I do learn a new song, I nearly always get it right the first time I do it "out", probably because I've just been practising it. The songs I forget are the ones I've been doing for years and never faltered on, until suddenly one day a curtain falls in my brain and ... well, you all know the feeling.

Now I'm getting anxious - I think I'll go and revise the new song I'm planning to do at the club this week.
