The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120769   Message #2629990
Posted By: GUEST,Russ
12-May-09 - 12:15 PM
Thread Name: Same songs every time?
Subject: RE: Same songs every time?
What IanC said.

I am a yank.

I sing in public but I am NOT a performer.
The venues that I sing and play in bear little resemblance to English folk clubs.

I know lots of songs and tunes, but I sing and play some things repeatedly because I like them. Imagine that. I also hope that if I sing the same song or play the same tune repeatedly in a venue that others will learn it and join me.

I make music with lots of different people in many different configurations. Some groups get together sporadically, some regularly. Some focus on instrumental music, some on songs. We do like new material. But we like to do some things repeatedly because we like them and we want to develop a common repertoire.

Russ (Permanent GUEST and traditional musician)