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Thread #115854   Message #2631034
Posted By: Little Hawk
13-May-09 - 02:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
You're not misunderstanding me, Don T, except in this respect: I am not speaking in absolutes, and that is the part you seem to be misunderstanding.

I am saying that in general the legislators end up serving the most powerful monied interests in this society...and in any society. This does not mean that they NEVER serve the public, nor does it mean that they NEVER take a principled stand on some specific issue or another. Sometimes they do. It depends on a great many factors, including the personal convictions of some of the legislators involved.

No man is entirely ONE thing and one thing only. We are all creatures of great variety, agreed?

I'm sure the monied sectors have some concerns in regards to the issue of legalizing same-sex marriage, but those concerns may vary a good deal depending on which part of the monied sectors you're talking about. I doubt they all see it the same way...and I doubt that in most cases they're are even affected by it.

Thus, it is a complex situation, as usual, and there are many factors involved. I certainly don't think I am aware of all of them, and I doubt that any of us are aware of all of them.

Most arguers don't want to consider the complexities of life. They simply want to beat their own drum beat as loudly as they can and they want to drown out the people on the other side of the debate...and THAT is what poisons the political dialogue.

I find Obama very refreshing, because when he talks he also takes time to listen, and he WILL give consideration to a variety of views differing from his own, and he WILL acknowledge the complexities in a debate. This indicates reason and intelligence on his part as well as goodwill toward those he is debating with. Sounds like a good way to go to me.