The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119490   Message #2631429
Posted By: TheSnail
14-May-09 - 04:56 AM
Thread Name: What makes it a Folk Song?
Subject: RE: What makes it a Folk Song?
"Blues, Shanties, Kipling, Cicely Fox Smith, Musical Hall, George Formby, Pop, County, Dylan, Cohen, Cash, Medieval Latin, Beatles, Irish Jigs and Reels, Scottish Strathspeys, Gospel, Rock, Classical Guitar, Native American Chants, Operatic Arias and even the occasional Traditional Song and Ballad"

Do you still stand by that statement, S O'P, in the light of Sailor Ron's response that "Yes we do get all that he has mentioned, but, and it is a big but, well over 60% of what is performed is 'traditional'[ that is if you include broadsheets, chapbooks, and 'old songs by unknown authors], plus a fair number of what I would call songs written in the traditional style or idiom." in this post or is Ron getting it wrong?