The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120835   Message #2632250
Posted By: GUEST,.gargoyle
15-May-09 - 12:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Logical vs superstitious thinking
Subject: RE: BS: Logical vs superstitious thinking
This is not quick - it is not easy - but it is real.

Alan - what you seek to teach is one of the most important lessons of modern life. Best Wishes and KUDOs for the attempt.

You will not find a simple truth, embroyaled in a 200 word fable that will fulfill your task. However, your request comes at a MOST opportune Mudcat time. Allow the student to discover and uncover, to relate and pontificate...upon the current OBIT (aka Good Thought) thread in the "lower Mudcat region.",,,,,,,

Student's emotions will become involved and the facts are at the beginning and then again at the end ultimately clear.

My suggestion for a lesson plan is:
Structure = small groups (5/7)
Time Frame = one week plus one day debate
Materials = edited Mudcat thread - presented daily with samll group discussion
Product = Daily five minute journal responces over one week as the real drama unfolds
Evaluation = Divide class into two parts on day six - Debate - Factualists vs Spiritualist - evidence for both

Begin with one of the earliest factual newspaper accounts.

Follow immediately with examples of Mudcatters "good thoughts"

Ugly, Rude, Crude, Real, Dramatic,Thematic - There are over 500 entries that can be edited down to a concise six up to 12 on each day's handout for discussion and responce.

Your 14 y.o.student WILL relate and grow. (Being open source - you may eventually "copyright" a classic lesson for a national text.)

Best Wishes again and KUDOs for the attempt.


My ver first temptation was to layout "MY" entire "argument" - I then realized that youth learn by DOING and not by 200 word moral essays pontificated from a podium. (or much less an e-mail from a cajouling relative.)