The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120613   Message #2633003
Posted By: Allan C.
15-May-09 - 09:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Growing my beard back
Subject: RE: BS: Growing my beard back
About once every ten years or so I get a notion to shave. The first time I did it, my wife, (my first wife,that is,) failed to recognize me at all until she recognized the shirt I was wearing. Most recently I did it because Carmen first knew me before a beard was really a possibility and I thought she might want a glimpse of who she used to know. Anyway, as it typically happens, I almost immediately recognized my error and began to grow back the beard. I am pleased to report that it is currently back to its former glory.

In answer to the question, it seems to me that, as a rule, two months is about when the beard starts to be worthy of the name. I have never fallen foul of the alleged itching, I must say. But I certainly feel for those who have, knowing, as I do, what it feels like as the hair regrows after a vasectomy prep (or at least the way mine was done).

I've had the beard, with a few, less than memorable exceptions, since 1972 and hope to keep it until I succumb to a situation where I am no longer in charge of my decision of whether to shave.

I know that some grow their beards because of how they feel it makes them look. For me, it is a rebellion against scraping my face with a razor every day. I hope to die before I am ever shaved daily again.