The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120848   Message #2633050
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
16-May-09 - 12:11 AM
Thread Name: Utah Phillip's birthday
Subject: RE: Utah Phillip's birthday
I'm sure he helped make a difference. I remember talking with him, in the early 70s, about the problems of education in the Southwest. Native kids weren't allowed to speak their language in school. Or the Spanish spoken "on the street". Only English allowed, so the kids were getting nothing - "illiterate in three languages". It is not perfect yet but it is a whole lot better. Native Americans are getting more respect for their heritage. Anyhow, I believe we each can make a difference - through music, writing or just talking about the things that matter. Utah did make a difference. To all of us and through us to others. That is immortality, yes? We still carry him in our hearts and minds and pass him along to the next generations.