The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120764   Message #2633257
Posted By: AllisonA(Animaterra)
16-May-09 - 08:59 AM
Thread Name: Birthday Memoriam Andie-VTam's daughter
Subject: RE: BirthdayMemoriam Andie_VTam's daughter
Dear Tam,

What a wonderful, inspiring tribute to the amazing, shining light that was (IS!) Andie. Thank you for this beautiful memorial thread. I honor you and Andie.

My husband and I have both had heartbreaking losses in recent years, and know how the remembrances, the pictures, the recordings, and even just hearing the beloved's name is so important.

We've also learned that life goes on, and healing happens, but the pain of the loss can erupt and ambush you unexpectedly from now on. You know all this.

But the most important thing I've learned, and have said it over and over again in this forum is this:
Andie is with you always.

love to you,
