The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120949   Message #2635296
Posted By: Uncle_DaveO
18-May-09 - 08:39 PM
Thread Name: Mudcatter Music Online - PermaThread
Subject: Mudcatter Music Online
This is a thread just for clickies (or URLs if you're not clickie-savvy, and I'll come along and clickify them) so that we can, in one central place, listen to each other's work (or play, as the case may be). I look forward to seeing/hearing what you do, and hope it's reciprocal.

To listen a selection of my songs:

My Section at Motagator
My Section at MySpace
There is some overlap in the songs on the two sites.

Where can I listen to you? Let's enjoy each other's stuff!

Dave Oesterreich