The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23616   Message #263629
Posted By: Amergin
24-Jul-00 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Can you ever leave music?
Subject: RE: BS: Can you ever leave music?
Kendall, I don't think music will ever leave you, it may die down to nothing but a spark, but it will never totally abandon you...if worse comes to worse you'll find other ways to express it...

A little off the subject, but not too long ago I thought poetry had abandoned me. I could barely write a line or two, and after that would be staring at the page for over an hour....would get mad enough and tear that page up....came dangerously close to giving it up entirely.....but now I wonder if I could have done it as I am totally enthralled with the beauty of words...I am the slave....
