The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120979   Message #2637293
Posted By: GUEST
21-May-09 - 03:58 AM
Thread Name: Defiant Dislikes
Subject: RE: Defiant Dislikes
Sorry if starting this thread upset a few people.

I see it as a kind of 'safety valve' - a space to admit that sometimes you just don't respond to things that the prevailing consensus regards as unimpeachably marvellous.

No offence taken. It's perfectly possible to appreciate the skill and artistry that performers bring to their music and still not like their sound. What's sometimes difficult is admitting to the dislike when all around you think the opposite! I found this in the jazz scene when daring to express my opinion of Billie Holiday and Sinatra - I can easily understand why people love their singing, but it does nothing for me.

As you say - probably reveals more about us... beauty in the eye of... etc.