The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121036   Message #2637694
Posted By: Vic Smith
21-May-09 - 11:56 AM
Thread Name: EFDSS Take 6 Archive
Subject: EFDSS Take 6 Archive
This (in bold below) from Malcolm Taylor of the VWML Library

I thought about posting this on the fRoots and the EFDSS thread, but then decided that it is going to be so important that it should have a thread all to itself. A quick perusal of the site - - shows that it is going to be of extraordinary help to those with an interest in English song, along with Steve Roud's Folk Song Index which they have also put on-line.

Since a lot of hot air is being generated on various boards about whether or not the EFDSS has been rising phoenix-like from its previously moribund state, here is further evidence of that renewed vitality.

Vic Smith
(Interested in traditional song for over forty years - finally joined the EFDSS at the end of last year having been convinced that, at last, here was an organisation that was worth being a part of.)
By the end of this month, certainly the very beginning of next, the Take 6 archives website will be officially live. It hosts six of our manuscript collections: those of the Hammond Brothers, George Gardiner, Janet Blunt, Francis Collinson, George Butterworth and Anne Gilchrist. Some 22K images will be linked to the catalogue. You will note that the site is certainly not finished as yet but you can still use it by searching as you would Roud Index on VWML Online. I'm sending you this sneak preview so that, if you care to, you can comment on the essential content after you have had a play with it. These comments may effect the final outcome if they are things we have missed.
Over the next two weeks it will change. The front page will fill up with logos, links and additional information about Take 6, and the help pages and boigraphies will appear. The Gilchrist collection, which is massive and disparate, will not be completed until probably the end of June (at the moment the prefix for it is KAM - this will change to AGG). The essential collected material will be there, though. Simply search the catalogues. The box on the right will also change to produce a 'tree' showing where the item you are looking at appears in the structure of the collection.
I look forward to your comments - I think!

Best regards,
Malcolm Taylor