The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121045   Message #2638840
Posted By: jeddy
22-May-09 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip
SCOPES, i can't work out if you are on a wind up mission or if you are for real. i hope that it's just a wind up. i think that you have some serious problems if you think the bnp that you seem to love aren't giong to come after you when they have run out of easy targets. i know we were on about ukip but our FRIEND here is a bnp supporter.
something tells me you are not going to be very popular on this site!
it might not sound very british but i live in england and would like laws that are made for us by us. this isn't anti anything i am just very into self government. some chance that we can pull it off though eh?