The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121045   Message #2639450
Posted By: Richard Bridge
23-May-09 - 03:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
Subject: RE: BS: whats wrong with ukip [UK Independence Party]
The problem in Medway Don is that we are losing the rather fine Marshall-Andrews (even if his second home claim was a bit on the high side), one of the "usual suspects" who made B.Liar's life very tricky for an unknown quantity. I think Bob had a substantial personal vote. When you think about some of the conservative pillocks (or pillocklesses, like Fenner) near here the change alarms me - but that of course is for the next general erection (or cock-up).

Now, if you look at the sheet we are faced with: -

1. I could stay Labour - but the incumbent has not endeared himself to me, and he was no use at all on culture and licensing (culture has an European aspect to its remit, and most of Europe has support packages for folk arts).
2. I could go Green. The present woman has done a fine job. Anyone the COmmission hates cannot be all bad.
3. I could go SLP. I am a big fan of Scargill, even if Thatcher did outmanoeuvre him over the coal strike. His principled stand on the sequestrations was admirable. His opposition to the capitalistic aspects (even groundswell) of th EU strongly attracts me - but will it be a wasted vote as far as keeping the Sieg Heil brigade out?
4. There is no Respect or Communist candidate.
5. The rest are less use than the Monster Raving Loony Party, which is not standing. Some even appear to be God botherers.