The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120910   Message #2640422
Posted By: GUEST,Squiggle
25-May-09 - 09:59 AM
Thread Name: fRoots magazine and the EFDSS
Subject: RE: fRoots magazine and the EFDSS
"And I know for a fact that good publicity is as great as bad...ALL of it helps...

But, Lizzie what you fail to understand is that this is bad publicity. Every fawning 1000 word monsterpost you write puts people OFF the bands you champion. Because you come across as frothing at the mouth crazy lady, over time most readers assume that's what all fans of SOH or Seth are like, and it puts them off investigating any further.

People got sick of you on the BBC board not because they dislike SOH or were trying to suppress "freedom of speech", but because you went on and on at great length about the same acts with an increasingly long word count, more emoticons tacked on the end and ended up picking fights with anyone who said maybe you should tone it back a bit.

Please understand that no good can come of the way you conduct yourself online. You are damaging things that are very fragile more than you'll ever know.