The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121094   Message #2640502
Posted By: Ron Davies
25-May-09 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: Review: How the Beatles Destroyed Rock 'n' Roll
Subject: RE: Review: How the Beatles Destroyed Rock 'n' Rol
Yup ,it's taste.   I guarantee, you can OD on " In a Gadda da Vida"--no drugs necessary. And it don't take long.   But it's a bad--and boring--trip.   Somehow it's light-years from "Won't Get Fooled Again".   Maybe it's because "Won't Get Fooled" has lyrics that mean something.

As for Velvet Underground, etc, I hold to my above opinion: self-indulgent "artists" mistaking their overblown whims for the creative process. And the floodgates opened with Sgt. Pepper.

I gather this is also the point of the author of this book. And he's right on.
Say it, brother.