The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121107   Message #2640685
Posted By: Lox
25-May-09 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: Paul Whiteman-King of Jazz?
Subject: RE: Paul Whiteman-King of Jazz?
Azizi, you commented;

"Btw, lox, I strongly disagree with your statement that "Jazz does not trace back to an african american ancestor.""

By this I meant that unlike blues, Jazz has a Europen father and an African mother - or if you prefer, an African father and a European mother.

You also commented;

"However, I dare say that this same disregard for race was not the norm among most of the jazz musicians' audiences, the nightclub owners, the radio hosts, the movie producers etc."

If you return to the post you were responding to you will note this line.

"The Audiences and the Club owners were of course a different kettle of fish ... "