The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121107   Message #2641308
Posted By: Lox
26-May-09 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: Paul Whiteman-King of Jazz?
Subject: RE: Paul Whiteman-King of Jazz?
I'd just like to say that I have never read one word written about Jazz.

I've learned the slow way by listening and I've been very deeply privileged to meet a couple of the old guard.

When you are talking about Jazz history and the person you are learning from tells you what "we did" as opposed to what "they did" you feel like you have a phone back to 1935.

I agree that conversations are limited not helped by value judgements and I like the Miles Davis quote concerning figs ...

He was someone who, while producing art albums that, unbeknownst to him at the time, would revolutionize jazz, at the same time was quite happy to perform a bit of bebop.

Jazz is like classical - you have to know what came before if you are to be able to make any claim to knowing whats going on.

A standing joke is about the Avant Garde musician who one day, whilst banging out his usual random dissonances, "discovers" a major triad.