The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121167   Message #2642405
Posted By: Ian Fyvie
27-May-09 - 10:58 PM
Thread Name: Getting folk music into cinema
Subject: Getting folk music into cinema
What inspired people to get into folk music? For many younger people the film The Wicker Man' is cited.

Given that younger generations are heavily likely to be influenced by popular media, more films rooted in folk tradition would* be good for the music we love.

And we are the experts who could provide the history - and the soundtracks for such projects.

But rather than dream - let's be proactive. There are always Producers looking for new ideas, and the chance to say something valuable in their productions.

Well connected Folkies might routinely come across potential and accomplished film makers - whilst the rest of us could float folk based ideas to TV producers, particularly BBC and CH4 Film makers via tthe usual routes, like writing in.

And of course there must be folkies who could become Producers, particularly if they are adept at getting Arts funding.

Other ideas how we can get more FolkTradition into Cinema and Television.....? Serious contributions plaease!

*I aware that making something too popular can devalue it.

**thanks to Crow Sister and Spleen Cringe comments in the current Folk Arts/Elitist thread for inspiring this new one.