The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118665   Message #2642886
Posted By: katlaughing
28-May-09 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening, 2009
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening, 2009
Thanks, gals.:-) I will call the Extension office and see what they recommend. I know our county has a composting facility where we could get some inexpensive good stuff to use. We don't have salamanders, slugs, or toads or frogs, not here in town at least. The only things really buggy are the earwigs and a mostly outdoor-near-water huge roach, I think they call Japanese roaches.

I remember a year or two ago, one of you, Janie?, recommended the nighttime catching of earwigs, then dumping them in water. At the moment, I don't feel fit enough to do that, but will keep it in mind for later this summer. I'll get my brother or Rog to do the compost-spreading.

My little perennials are looking really good; one of the carnations' blooms just opened. I'll try to get some pix later today.