The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121196   Message #2643485
Posted By: Ratdog
29-May-09 - 06:41 AM
Thread Name: Canadian singer Allison Crowe refused entry to UK
Subject: RE: Canadian singer Allison Crowe refused entry to UK
Heya Betsy, you stated: "I met TWO Americans who were refused entry into Canada because of Drinking / Driving convictions."

Well, they weren't lying, Canada bars entry of anyone with a drinking and driving conviction, not just Americans but even to Canadians like my friend Jason, who moved here to the USA, got a DUI, now, even though his entire family still lives in Canada he's not allowed to enter, even to see them.

Talk about cold blooded, if Jason wasn't such a good friend of mine, and told me about it, it's likely I wouldn't have believed him.

On the other hand, I've traveled around and even worked in Canada, their laws involving alcohol consumption are more strict in general than those here in most of the USA, so it's not completely surprising.