The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121207   Message #2643563
Posted By: Georgiansilver
29-May-09 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Violence in sports.
Subject: RE: BS: Violence in sports.
I played rugby for many years.. some of it at quite high level.... now in my 60s I am paying the price with the arthritis affecting the bones in my spine which were 'moved' during heavy physical contact...... I was knocked out several times and at one point the medics had trouble bringing me round. If I knew then what I know now.................... I guess I would do the same things over..... I will pay the price but I so enjoyed it while it lasted.   As for violence on the pitch, I was involved in many an angry outburst/fracas/fisticuffs etc but they were always short lived for the sake of the game...... I suppose I could have died from injuries.... but I'm still here! I feel sorry for the lad who lost his life and his family who also suffer but life is full of risks... each day presents hazards... some of us get past them... some don't.
Best wishes, Mike.