The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5288   Message #2643950
Posted By: GUEST
29-May-09 - 08:32 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Carraig Donn / Carrigdhoun
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Carraig Donn / Carrigdhoun
I've no idea, but it seems to be of northern provenance. I am confused about " ag caonadh le chuadh caoin". I'd guess that "caonadh" should be "caoineadh". "Cuadh" should probably be "cuach" for "sigh". I have no expertise. The reason I point to an Ulster translator is "mheura" for "mhe'anar". I altered some of the text because there seemed to be several errors. I think this record album dates back to the 50's. I've had a copy from sometime in the 1960's.