The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #118665   Message #2644549
Posted By: Bobert
30-May-09 - 08:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening, 2009
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening, 2009
Well, Janie, one thing is fir sure... You ***have*** taken mental posession of the new digs... When you bend up yer glasses that puts you right in there with the garden "true believers"... Now if we could only figure out what to do with the neighbor's cats then all would be wondeerfull...

Yeah, Maggie... When we moved here (like Janie) we knew what we knew and we tried to bring as much with us that we could that was familiar... We moved around 550 shade plants and we created a very long bed that was somewhat similar to what we had... And then we built on it... Then we discovered that the house itself was on about a 1/2 acre lot if you take the fence around it and so we first planted trees that will provide shade... Now we are kinda fine tuning it... We allready have figured everything out 360 degrees around the house and that's all okay but the yard??? Not okay, but getting there... I guess we've always known that there were possibilities but until just recently we haven't been able to take on the no-man's-land of the yard...

But gardening is always evolutional... It's never completed... That's a good think
