The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121227   Message #2645639
Posted By: bubblyrat
01-Jun-09 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Blogs About People of Color & Culture
Subject: RE: BS: Blogs About People of Color & Culture
I am all in favour of these kind of discussions,as long as someone,somewhere can assure me that,if I were to take myself,my family,and ten thousand friends off to another country,say Libya,or Morrocco,or Afghanistan or Iran or Iraq or Egypt or Jamaica,or India or Pakistan or Kenya or Ethiopia or 101 other nations, start building churches and cathedrals and telling everyone that they were wrong,and that Jesus was the only person worth worshipping, whilst simultaneously asking for welfare payments,a house,and all the benefits attendant upon being a citizen of that country ,but no, I wouldn't join their armed forces to defend them if they were attacked------well, I fear that this would probably meet with a polite refusal,if not downright HOSTILITY !!Welcome to the real world !!