The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #2646243
Posted By: Waddon Pete
02-Jun-09 - 05:01 AM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: Sitting At The Kitchen Table thinking of you, Rapaire.....

Jerry, mean a tram! Or a trolley bus as it might be if'n it has no rails!

I had a wonderful opportunity to drive a tram for a round trip a few years ago. One of the highlights of a very memorable experience was the opportunity to set the traffic lights to read and stop all the traffic while we had priority and trundled on our merry way! Took me back to the time when I was just about knee high and we spent our summers near a railway level crossing with gates. These were operated by a very large wheel in the nearby signal box. If you arrived at the right time, the signalman would let you turn the wheel to close the crossing gates. Wonderful! Thant was in the days before Health and Safety, of course!

Best wishes,
